Includes gasoline service station, service and repair of vehicles, storage garage, automobile sales establishment, automatic automobile laundries and car wash facilities and is pursuant to the following provisions:
Gas stations and gasoline service stations:
A. No lot or any portion shall be located within 200 feet of a school, place of worship, or public recreation area, or residential district.
B. All accesses shall be designed to provide safe and convenient travel without the potential for backing vehicles into a public street.
C. Pumps, pump islands, vacuum stations, air towers, vending machines, canopies and other structures shall not be located in any required yards or setbacks. No outdoor display of products not associated with the use shall be permitted.
D. A landscaped screening area shall be provided along all property lines, excluding the front line, and property lines adjacent to existing commercial uses and adjacent access points. Planting shall not interfere with the normal line of sight needed for safe entering and exiting maneuvers by vehicles.
E. All vehicles (except for tow trucks) shall be stored within a building when the facility is not open for business, but may be stored in rear yards, or in front or side yards when screened from view. Licensed vehicles, unregistered or dismantled automobiles, trucks, tractors, trailers, or parts may be placed outside for periods not to exceed 14 days. No Township rights-of-way may be utilized for any purpose. Vehicles shall not be parked outside the main structure during the hours of 9:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. in excess of one vehicle for every 500 square feet of business lot area exclusive of buildings or structures, unless screened. There shall be no limitation on the number of vehicles parked within a structure.
F. There shall be no unscreened outside storage of material, although items for sale may be displayed provided they are not placed in required minimum yard areas. No portable signs shall be allowed at any time or at any location.
G. Trash, oil cans, tires, discarded motor vehicle parts and components and any other waste materials may be stored in a completely fenced in or screened enclosure for periods not to exceed 14 days. The area of such enclosure shall not exceed 200 square feet.
H. All landscaped areas shall be maintained in a neat and healthy condition at all times.
I. Public-address system or any other outdoor amplified noises are prohibited.
J. All parking areas and spaces shall have paved, dustless or gravel surfaces, and shall use wheel stops, curbs or other means to define the areas in which vehicles may be stored.
K. No vehicle shall be parked or placed in required minimum yard setbacks.
L. The Zoning Hearing Board may limit lighting of signs if there are residential uses within 100 feet.
M. The minimum lot area is one acre.
N. The applicant shall provide landscaping and screening.
O. Parking shall be provided as required in
§ 370-181: Required off-street parking facilities.
P. No outside storage of materials shall be located within 100 feet of any residential district.-