MapLink™ | Procedures | Industrial Cluster Development or Industrial Park

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Industrial Cluster Development or Industrial Park
Within any LI Industrial or I Industrial District, an industrial park may be developed on a parcel of land containing no less than 10 acres, subject to the Township Planning Commission's review and approval by the Township Supervisors, as prescribed by Chapter 320: Subdivision and Land Development, and provided that:
A. The basic scheme shall be approved by the Township Planning Commission as a preliminary plan, at which time evidence of provision of both public sewerage and public water shall be offered. The applicant is encouraged to submit a sketch plan to the Township Planning Commission, prior to the submission of a preliminary plan, for an unofficial review.
(1) It is characteristic of industrial parks that the developer cannot usually prepare a final lot layout plan for approval prior to initial construction, such as can be done with residential subdivisions, since the space needs of future tenants or purchasers may not be known, but the schematic arrangement of road circulation and intent of the developer as to the character of the proposed development must be acceptable to the Planning Commission and the Township Supervisors.
(2) Prior to the issuance of each building permit, the Zoning Administration Officer shall review the application with the Planning Commission, or with a committee thereof appointed by the Chairman for such purposes, and each lot shall conform generally with the initially approved preliminary plan arrangement.
B. All streets within the industrial park shall be curbed, and shall be not less than 36 feet in width between curbs, and all curb radii shall provide for tractor-trailer trucks.

See Building Permit Application Procedures for more information.
See Building Permits (ICC) for application form.